Ian McEwan – Amsterdam
a. UK Edition
1a. First Edition – First State
Jonathan Cape. Published 27th August 1998. Hardback. Burgundy endpapers, half-title, title, [iii], 176 pages numbered 3-178, 3 blanks. Pages 216mm x 135mm. Black cloth; down spine in silver: ‘IAN McEWAN AMSTERDAM (Cape logo)’. ISBN 0-224-05170-9. Printer credit on verso of title page is ‘Mackays of Chatham PLC’.
Dustjacket. 497mm x 222mm. Front: a duelling scene from Paris Illustre 1885, with above in burgundy: ‘IAN McEWAN’, and lower down ‘AMSTERDAM’. Price on front flap £14.99.
1b. First Edition – Second State
Jonathan Cape. Published 27th October 1998. Hardback. Burgundy endpapers, half-title, title, [iii], 176 pages numbered 3-178, 3 blanks. Pages 215mm x 134mm. Black cloth; down spine in silver: ‘IAN McEWAN AMSTERDAM (Cape logo)’. ISBN 0-224-05170-9. Printer credit on verso of title page is ‘Bath Press Ltd’.
Dustjacket. 497mm x 222mm. Front: a duelling scene from Paris Illustre 1885, with above in burgundy: ‘IAN McEWAN’, and lower down ‘AMSTERDAM’. At the bottom of the dustjacket front there is a grey rectangular box and within it in white ‘WINNER OF THE 1998 BOOKER PRIZE’. Price on front flap £14.99.
Variations between first and second state:
The second state has the obvious difference of the Booker Prize banner on the dustjacket. In addition the printer credit is for the Bath Press, the Joseph Cape logo on the spine is smaller (7.5mm high, while first state is 10mm) and the text is printed on thinner paper (text block 11mm thick, while first state is 13mm).
A possible variant that is half way between the two states has been recorded (MW collection). In this variant the book is as per the second state (printed by Bath Press, etc.) but the dustjacket is as per the first state (no Booker banner). It may be the case that a second state copy had its dustjacket swapped with a first state version at some point.
2. Proof
Jonathan Cape. Paperback. Half title, title, [iii], 158 pages numbered 3-160. Pages 215mm x 130mm. Pale grey wrappers with in black ‘IAN McEWAN | Amsterdam | JONATHAN CAPE UNCORRECTED BOOK PROOF’. Down spine in black ‘IAN McEWAN * Amsterdam (Cape logo)’.
See photos below.
b. USA Edition
- First Edition
Nan A. Talese / Doubleday. Published 1st December 1998. Hardback. Brown endpapers, half title, [i], title, [iii], 191 pages numbered 3-193, 2 blanks. Pages 189mm x 129mm. Jasmine boards quarter bound in parchment cloth. Down spine in rose gold: ‘(graphic device) Amsterdam IAN McEWAN (graphic device) (tree logo) NAN A. TALESE DOUBLEDAY’. ISBN 0-385-49423-8.
Dustjacket. 472mm x 192mm. Front: an image of a rolled newspaper on stone steps with in white at top: ‘Winner of the 1998 Booker Prize’, in the centre in white ‘AMSTERDAM | IAN McEWAN’, in black ‘AUTHOR OF ENDURING LOVE’ and at the bottom in black ‘{A NOVEL}. Price on front flap $21.00.
2. Proof
Nan A. Talese / Doubleday. Paperback. [i], half title, [i], title, [iii], 191 pages numbered 3-193, [i], 1 blank. Pages 191mm x 123mm. Front: a brown and white three-quarter length photo of Ian McEwan with down the right side in gold ‘AMSTERDAM | A NOVEL’, across the centre in black ‘IAN McEWAN | AUTHOR OF ENDURING LOVE’, and at the bottom in black ‘ADVANCE READING COPY / NOT FOR SALE’; down the spine in gold, ‘AMSTERDAM (diamond shape) IAN McEWAN Nan A. TALESE DOUBLEDAY (tree logo)’.
3. The Judge Vol. 1 – promotional newspaper
Nan A. Talese / Doubleday. A four page promotional newspaper entitled The Judge. 355mm x 280mm. The front page lead story is an advertisement for Amsterdam and the back is a full page advertisement for the book. Inside are ads. for other McEwan books. The masthead slogan is “All Ian McEwan, All the Time”. Issued to book stores to promote Amsterdam.
See photos below.
c. Canada Edition
- First Edition
Knopf Canada. October 1998. Hardback. ISBN 0-676-97185-7.
2. Proof
None recorded.
See photos below.