Ian McEwan – The Children Act
a. UK Edition
1. First Edition
Jonathan Cape. Published 2nd September 2014. Hardback. Pale blue endpapers, half-title, title, [ii], 213 pages numbered 1-213, [i]. Pages 215mm x 131mm. Royal blue boards; down spine in silver: ‘IAN McEWAN The Children Act (Cape logo)’. ISBN 0-224-10199-8.
Dustjacket. 520mm x 222mm. Front: Pale blue with a graphic of a boy leaping and his reflection; above in gilt ‘IAN | McEWAN’ and below ‘The Children | Act’. Price on front flap £16.99.
2. Proof
Jonathan Cape. Paperback. Half title, title, [ii], 211 pages numbered 1-211, [i], 1 blank. Pages 211mm x 131mm. Front: Black with a graphic of a boy leaping and his reflection; above in white ‘IAN | McEWAN’, below ‘The Children | Act’, and down the right side ‘Free Uncorrected Jonathan Cape Proof – Not for Resale or Quotation’. Down the spine in white ‘IAN McEWAN The Children Act (Cape logo)’.
3. London Review Bookshop Limited Edition
London Review Bookshop. Published 2014. Hardback. Burgundy endpapers, half title, [i] limitation page, title, [ii], 213 pages numbered 1-213, [i]. Pages 224mm x 137mm. Top edge sprayed purple. ISBN 0-224-10199-8. No dustjacket.
Slipcase. Rose Red cloth edges with green and beige patterned paper on the sides.
- Green and beige patterned boards quarter bound in Kaduna Green leather; down spine in gilt: ‘THE CHILDREN ACT IAN McEWAN (LRB logo)’. Seventy five copies hand-numbered 1-75 and signed by Ian McEwan.
- Full bound in Kaduna Green leather; down spine in gilt: ‘THE CHILDREN ACT IAN McEWAN (LRB logo)’. Twenty five copies hand-numbered i to xxv and signed by Ian McEwan.
Note 1: Two binder’s copies of the quarter leather bound version have been recorded (MW collection). One is unnumbered and signed by Ian McEwan and the other is both unnumbered and unsigned. The latter does not have the LRB logo on the spine, maybe due to a binding error.
See photos below.
b. USA Edition
1. First Edition
Nan A. Talese / Doubleday. Published 9th September 2014. Hardback. White endpapers, half title, [i], title, [iv], 219 pages numbered 3-221, [ii], 1 blank. Pages 208mm x 142mm. Red boards quarter bound in black cloth. Down spine in gilt: ‘Ian McEwan The Children Act (tree logo) NAN A. TALESE Doubleday’. ISBN 0-385-53970-8.
Dustjacket. 541mm x 240mm. Front: A graphic combining a blood drop with musical symbols; in black ‘a novel | THE | CHILDREN | ACT | Ian McEwan | author of | ATONEMENT’. Price on front flap $25.00.
Note 1: At the time of publication copies were put on sale with a ‘Signed First Edition’ sticker on the dustjacket front. These have an additional leaf, signed by Ian McEwan, tipped-in before the half title.
2. Proof
Nan A. Talese / Doubleday. Paperback. Half title, [i], title, [iv], 219 pages numbered 3-221, [ii], 1 blank. Pages 210mm x 134mm. Front: A graphic combining a blood drop with musical symbols; at the top in red ‘BOUND GALLEY . NOT FOR SALE’ and in black ‘a novel | THE | CHILDREN | ACT | Ian McEwan | author of | ATONEMENT’.
See photos below.
c. Canada Edition
1. First Edition
Knopf Canada. Published September 2014. Hardback. ISBN 0-345-80962-9.
2. Proof
No separate proofs were produced for Knopf Canada. Instead the USA proofs were used with a Canadian hardback ISBN sticker on the back cover.
See photos below.