
Ian McEwan – Sweet Tooth

a. UK Edition

1. First Edition

Jonathan Cape. Published 21st August 2012. Hardback. Black endpapers, half-title, title, [ii], 320 pages numbered 1-320, 1 blank, [i], 2 blanks. Pages 233mm x 148mm. Black cloth boards; down spine in gilt: ‘IAN McEWAN  SWEET TOOTH  (Cape logo)’. ISBN 0-224-09737-6.

Dustjacket. 562mm x 240mm. Front: a photo of a woman in a red dress and in white ‘SWEET TOOTH | IAN McEWAN’. Price on front flap £18.99.

2. Proof

Jonathan Cape. Paperback. Half title, title, [ii], 320 pages numbered 1-320, 1 blank, [i], 2 blanks. Pages 234mm x 149mm. Front: Black with in white ‘IAN | McEWAN | SWEET | TOOTH’ and at the bottom in white ‘FREE UNCORRECTED JONATHAN CAPE PROOF – NOT FOR RESALE’. Down the spine in white ‘SWEET TOOTH  IAN McEWAN  (Cape logo)’.

3. London Review Bookshop Limited Edition

London Review Bookshop. Published 2012. Hardback. Brown Sugar endpapers, half title, [i] limitation page, title, [ii], 320 pages numbered 1-320, 1 blank, [i], 2 blanks. Pages 234mm x 152mm. Top edge sprayed orange. ISBN 0-224-09737-6. No dustjacket.

Slipcase. Spanish Orange cloth edges with orange and fawn patterned paper on the sides.

  1. Orange and fawn patterned boards quarter bound in Harmatan Yellow 30 leather; down spine in gilt: ‘SWEET TOOTH  IAN McEWAN  (LRB logo)’. Seventy five copies hand-numbered 1-75 and signed by Ian McEwan.
  2. Full bound in Harmatan Yellow 30 leather; down spine in gilt: ‘SWEET TOOTH  IAN McEWAN  (LRB logo)’. Twenty five copies hand-numbered i to xxv and signed by Ian McEwan.

Note 1: One binder’s copy of the full leather bound version, unsigned and unnumbered, has been recorded (MW collection).

See photos below.

b. USA Edition

1. First Edition

Nan A. Talese / Doubleday. Published 13th November 2012. Hardback. White endpapers, 1 blank, half title, title, [iii], 301 pages numbered 1-301, [iii]. Pages 232mm x 151mm. Red boards quarter bound in caramel cloth. Down spine in gilt: ‘IAN McEWAN  SWEET TOOTH  (tree logo) NAN A. TALESE DOUBLEDAY’. ISBN 0-385-53682-0.

Dustjacket. 541mm x 240mm. Front: A sepia-tined phto of a woman on a railway platform with in green ‘Ian McEwan’, in black ‘Author of | ATONEMENT’ and in metallic red ‘Sweet Tooth’. At the bottom in black ‘**A NOVEL**’. Price on front flap $26.95.

2. Proof

Nan A. Talese / Doubleday. Paperback. [i], title, [iii], 321 pages numbered 1-321, [ii]. Pages 233mm x 152mm. Front: Pale blue with at top in grey ‘UNCORRECTED PROOF . NOT FOR SALE’, in dark blue ‘IAN | McEWAN | SWEET TOOTH’, and in grey ‘A NOVEL’.

See photos below.