Ian McEwan – A Move Abroad: or Shall We Die? and The Ploughman’s Lunch
a. UK Edition
1. First Edition
Picador. Published 8th December 1989. Paperback. [i], title, [i], [x] preface, [i], 116 pages numbered 3-118. Pages 216mm x 132mm. Glossy white wrappers with a band of colour and a photo of the lower half of a boy, an apple and their reflection. Above in black: ‘IAN McEWAN | A MOVE ABROAD:’, across the band of colour: ‘a screenplay | THE PLOUGHMAN’S LUNCH | or shall we die? | an oratorio’ and the bottom the Picador logo in black. ISBN 0-330-30940-4. Price on back cover £3.99.
No proofs recorded.
See photos below.