Ian McEwan – Soursweet
a. UK Edition
1. First Edition
Faber & Faber. Published 1988. Paperback. Half title, title, [iv] introduction, 83 pages numbered 1-83. Pages 216mm x 132mm. Glossy black wrappers with a colour still from the film of Sylvia Chang and Danny Dun with above, set in a white clapperboard graphic, the text ‘ff (logo | SOURSWEET | Ian McEwan’. ISBN 0-571-15355-0. Price on back cover £4.95.
No proofs recorded.
Note: This screenplay was an adaptation by Ian McEwan of the novel by Timothy Mo. In a copy (MW collection) signed by Ian McEwan and Timothy Mo, the latter has added underneath “Brilliant script | Talented Actors | Good director | (downward arrow) | ropey film | How ?”.
See photos below.