
Ian McEwan – First Love, Last Rites

a. UK Edition

1. First Edition

Jonathan Cape. Published 17th April 1975. Hardback. White endpapers, half-title, title, [ii], 157 pages numbered 9-165, 1 blank. Pages 198mm x 122mm. Black cloth; down spine in gilt lettering: ‘FIRST LOVE, LAST RITES  Ian McEwan  (Cape logo)’. ISBN 0-224-01095-6.

Dustjacket. 465mm x 204mm. Front: a black and white graphic by Bill Botten of a naked woman, a rat, a flower and thorns. In gold: ‘First Love, Last Rites’ and in white: ‘Ian McEwan’. Price on front flap £2.50.

2. Proof

Jonathan Cape. Paperback. Half-title, title, [ii], 157 pages numbered 9-165, 1 blank. Pages 195mm x 126mm. Old gold wrappers with repeated Cape logo and publication data in black; down spine in black lettering: ‘FIRST LOVE LAST RITES  IAN McEWAN’.

See photos below.

b. USA Edition

  1. First Edition

Random House. Published 1st June 1975. Hardback. White endpapers, 1 blank, half-title, title, [ii], 157 pages numbered 9-165, [i], 3 blanks. Pages 208mm x 132mm. Vermillion paper boards with on the front in metallic rose lettering ‘I (floral device) M’, quarter bound in dark chocolate cloth; down spine in gilt lettering: ‘Ian McEwan  FIRST LOVE, LAST RITES (logo) Random House’. ISBN 0-394-49422-9.

Dustjacket. 498mm x 213mm. Front: dark chocolate with a black and white graphic of a painting on a wall and around the graphic in red text outlined in yellow: ‘FIRST LOVE, LAST RITES’ and below in smaller, grey text: ‘Fiction by Ian McEwan’. Price on front flap $6.95.

2. Proof

Random House. Paperback. Half-title, title, [ii], 157 pages numbered 9-165, 1 blank. Pages 210mm x 132mm. Red wrappers with on front cover text in black; the spine is blank.

Note: The UK edition is dedicated ‘To Elaine’ while the USA edition is ‘To John Webb’.

See photos below.